Lovely Leeks
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Lovely Leeks

Croeso / Welcome to Year 1

Lovely Leeks

CLASS TIMINGS 8.50 - 15.15 

Mr Davies and Mr Cahalane would like to welcome you to Lovely Leeks. We are a hard-working, dedicated team that works collaboratively to strive for excellence and hard work in everything we do.

We aim to provide all pupils in our class with fun, engaging and stimulating classroom activities that will enable our pupils to develop into independent learners. We aim to ensure that all pupils enjoy their busy school days and leave with a smile.

Please follow our Facebook and Twitter blog

Diolch / Thank you

Mr Davies



All class information and upcoming events will be displayed in the notice board outside the classroom. 

P.E. will be taught every Friday morning and pupils will be encouraged to wear suitable clothing for P.E. to school that day.

PE uniform for pupils must be a plain red t-shirt and black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms. Pupils can come to school in their PE on their allocated PE day.

Pupils are encouraged to bring their own wellies into school as they will have access to the outdoor area at all times during the school day. Please ensure that your child's wellies are clearly labelled with their full name as they can be kept in school for the duration of the year.



Pupils will be required to bring in their own snack (fruit/cereal bar) to eat during break time. Please do not send biscuits / chocolate / cakes / sweets into school as your child's snack. All pupils are entitled to free school milk. 

Pupils are encouraged to bring a drink into school with their names clearly labelled on the bottle. 


Seren a Sbarc's Adventure (Welsh home link book)

Seren a Sbarc will be sent home with Welsh Pupil of the Week on a Friday. Please can you ensure that your child completes at least one page in Seren's book and that it is returned to school the following Thursday so that another child can take it home. Thanks

Reading Eggs and Mathletics

Your child has access to both of these websites outside of school. Please encourage them to access them where possible to develop both their literacy and numeracy skills.

Note: Pupil's individual passwords will be needed for full access. All pupils have previously been provided with these however, if you require another copy,don't hesitate to ask.




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14 Feb 2020

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