Delightful Dragons
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Delightful Dragons

Croeso i blwyddyn 2! Welcome to Year 2!

Delightful Dragons

CLASS TIMINGS 09.00 - 15.15 (Doors open 8.50am)

Welcome to Year 2!

This year your teachers will be Miss Morgan (Monday, Tuesday)  and Miss Cotton  (Wednesday, Thursday + Friday) with Mrs Rosser as our class teaching assistant. We make up the Year  2 teaching team!

Our learning environment is enabaling, engaging and thought provoking, with opportunites to inquire and develop as independant learners.We believe that by working together we can achieve our potential and we always try our best in everything we do.

Come and see our work that we are so proud of!

General Information
Pupils will be welcomed at the door at 8.50. Year 2's door is located at the back of the school opposite the climbing frame. Pupils will also be sent home from this door at 3.15pm.
All new class information and upcoming events will be available in the Year 2 notice board just outside the Year 2 classroom.
Outdoor learning will take place daily. Please provide your child with a pair of wellies to keep in schools for the year. 
Home learning
Homework tasks / spellings will be provided via See-Saw weekly. Please ensure you access this online platform.
Reading books will be sent home alongside homework. Children will be allocated a new book on the return of previous book. Please return books to school on the thursday in order for staff to change these ready for friday.
Please support and read with your child regularly, if you require more books please ask. 
PE  (Children to come ready dressed in PE Kit on allocated days)
Our PE session for Spring term is on a Thursday.
Please ensure your child wears appropriate PE kit to school for PE lessons this includes suitable footwear.  PE is an important part of your child's development, all children need to take part in PE lessons every week.
PE uniform for pupils must be a plain red t-shirt and black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms. Pupils can come to school in their PE it on their allocated PE day.
Snack - Tuck trolley is now open
Snack is available to purchase at 50p per day or £2.50 a week. If you send your child into school with a snack please ensure this is a heathy snack. No crisps or chocolate bars please. 
Please also provide your child with a water bottled that is clearly labelled with their name on. Free Milk will be provided in class. 

Seren's Adventure (Welsh home link book)

Seren will be sent home with Welsh Pupil of the Week on a Friday. Please can you ensure that your child completes at least one page in Seren's book and that it is returned to school the following Thursday so that another child can take it home. Thanks

Reading Eggs and Mathletics

Your child has access to both of these websites outside of school. Please encourage them to access them where possible to develop both their literacy and numeracy skills.

Note: Pupil's individual passwords will be needed for full access. All pupils have previously been provided with these however, if you require another copy, don't hesitate to ask.



We look forward to working together during the year...... Diolch, Thank you!


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